Jul 23, 2021
Fitness Journey: 3 Best Diet Plans to Try

Losing weight is never an easy work. Achieving your body goal means more effort to go active. However, most people often forget that regular exercise must also be accompanied by a proper diet.

Proper diet does not mean you have to drastically lower your calorie intake. By lowering the calorie intake, you will not lose fats, but rather your lean muscles. Instead of depriving yourself from eating, here are some diet plans to try to help you lose weight.

Plant-based diet

Being a vegetarian or a vegan has a lot of benefits. According to research, by removing meat and dairy from diet helps people lose weight. Moreover, plant-based diets have other benefits, such as reducing risks of chronic conditions like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Low-fat diet

Low-fat diets restrict the intake of fat. Fatty foods are found to be higher in calories than protein and carbs. Studies have shown that low-fat diets result to weight loss and lower risks of heart disease and diabetes. However, the challenge in this kind of diet is the actual preparation of meals which are low in fat. Fortunately, there are diet meal plan delivery services that offer this kind of diet.

The DASH diet

The DASH diet or otherwise known as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. It helps improves the overall health of the body, especially designed to reduce the chances of hypertension. This kind of diet emphasizes eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. It also restricts food which are high in salt, red meat, sugars, and fat. stevehacks

Losing weight does not mean you will have to give up eating your favorite food. What you need to do is to be smart and discerning in choosing what you give to your body.

For more information, visit: NOSH

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